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I don't know why I keep thinking I'll get work done when we're away. I always think, sure, the kids are home, but I'm sure I can get in a good two hours of uninterrupted writing every day. They're big kids. Or, sure, we're at my mom's house, and all my siblings and their families will be there, but I'm sure I'll get some quiet time. You would think that by the time you're 40 you'd've stopped being delusional. Or at least get a better grip of reality. But no. Every time I plan to get work done, and every single time I'm disappointed. Which also makes for a rather unrelaxing vacation, by the by.
My goals for April were to write two blog posts a week, which I've done only in the first and last week. That is, not while we were on our trip. I did finish reading Rebecca (mind the spoilers in that review), and I have to say I'm in much better shape with The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock than I was with Rebecca. But still not done. I did finish Norse Mythology though, which I'll be reviewing promptly (next week probably). Meanwhile, I've been mostly reading in the evenings, so that's nice. And it helps with reading more of the books I want to read.
In terms of writing, I've decided to re-write the Labour Pains manuscript in the first person because it works better for that story. I'm mortified about it, but that's entirely beside the point. I haven't been working on my writing as hard as I would have liked, but I may have a little more time after the half term which is the last week of May.
Looking ahead, May is a busy month. In addition to my partner being away for most of it on various business trips, there's also the half term on the last week and a bunch of other things happening. I anticipate writing the blog but not much else this month if I'm honest about it. That said, I should be ready to write about my mystery project next week, which is going to be fun. I'm sorry to keep dangling it but I'm just super excited about it, and it does take a lot of my time (and mental space).
So, goals for May:
Reading: finish The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock, read the May book for the group, still reading Inferior (non-fiction), and also I started reading Steelheart because it was on my kindle. And because Brandon Sanderson is my guilty pleasure. There, I said it.
Writing: blog, probably. And some editing.
Volunteering: I'm going on a two-day workshop this month that's related to my volunteering. My regular once-a-week will be wrapping up for the half term, so next month probably less volunteering.
Family Activity: We're going to the final game of the London Basketball league. Really.
Exploring Activity: I have tickets to see "Come from Away" which is about Canadians so I'm excited.
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