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I read quite a few books in Hebrew over the last month. I started both because my mom was here and brought me some new shiny books and because I was behind on my reading challenge. I can write a PhD in English and live my life in English, but I still read about three times faster in Hebrew. Funny how our brains work.
So, for the sake of having a list, this month in fiction I've finished up The Hate You Give (5 starts, go read it). I also read in Hebrew:
Suspicion of Alzheimer's (rough translation),
A Woman Across the Sea (rough translation),
and The Tunnel;
In addition, I've read in English Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, which made me go back to re-read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I also had a good haul of non-fiction books this month: I finished Inferior (see here for review) and read The Explosive Child (in Hebrew) and The War of Art (review forthcoming). I'm actually quite happy with reading all those books, and I'm now three books ahead of schedule on my Goodreads challenge. I also decided not to review each book I read here, as it would pretty much take over the blog, and I feel that would detract from the blog. What I haven't read is the reading group book, because I started and it looked like it would be a lot of work, and I just didn't feel like it.
In terms of writing, I'm still working on my matrix paper (sigh), and I've made very little progress on editing my book. I did, however, write an entry to a prize competition I'm excited about, which I'll keep you posted about.
The album is coming along nicely. I've received mixed tracks from the producer, but there's still some work to be done on it, and I suspect we might have to go back to the studio for some patches and final touches. It's completely terrifying.
In July:
Reading: I've started The Hero With a Thousand Faces as my non-fiction, but it's slow progress so far. I don't expect I'll finish this one in July. I'm also re-reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince because wow she can tell a story.
Writing: blog and matrix paper (non-fiction, unfortunately). The novel is on hold because I need to finish this frigging paper.
Volunteering: On leave until September. I do have a training session this week though.
Family Activity: My kids started going to the council's Music Academy, and they're having an end-of-year concert each, in addition to other end-of-year stuff, watching weeks, etc. And, also, before July is out, we will be heading for our annual trip to THAILAND! We are super-excited.
Exploring Activity: We have tickets to see a play this week, and we're going to see a talk in the Science Museum later this month. Look at us, fancy Londoners ;) We also have three different visits from Canada, and we're excited for all of them, and it's going to be a busy month.
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