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End of March Reflections

Writer's picture: galpodgalpod

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Well, it's been a hectic month in my standards. I've had a few random stuff happening such as volunteering workshops (both helping out and training), and my girlfriends taking me to a spa as a belated birthday treat (it was lovely). Also, there's this project that came into my life in January which I know I promised I'd write about, but I'm not entirely ready for that yet.

Looking back at my March goals they have not been very ambitious, and I'm not sure if that's good or bad. On the one hand, if I set more aggressive goals, I may get more done. On the other hand, if I end up not meeting the goals, I feel frustrated and worthless, and that's never great. Overall, I met some of these non-ambitious goals. For instance, I finished reading The Unstoppable Creative, but I haven't finished reading Rebecca yet. In my defence, she's a rather whiny protagonist, so it's been slow going. In terms of writing, I edited some chapters from Labour Pains, but not all of them. On the plus side, I sent out my first chapter to my fellow writers, and I'm getting feedback from them and figuring out whether the change from first to third person works. I have made absolutely no progress with my second book but, as I said, I'm keeping it on the back burner and letting it simmer for a bit.

One thing that worked well this month is that I started having a "week at a glance" page in addition to my weekly planning of tasks and habit tracking and such. It helps me plan the meals, and when I know what my week is going to look like I feel (perhaps not justifiably, but still) that I have some measure of control over it.

So, looking forward to April, we will be away most of it. On the one hand, my routine usually goes down the drain when we visit family. On the other, I should have some time to write, so I'm planning to keep up at least with the blogging while we're away.

Reading: Rebecca (still), Inferior (non-fiction), The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock (for the May reading group).

Writing: Blog posts (twice a week) and working on Labour Pains.


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