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End of October Reflections

Writer's picture: galpodgalpod

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I've debated for a while about whether to write this post. I didn't get to do any fiction writing in October, which I hate. I feel like my creativity is running dry. But, then again, I've been here before, and it has always worked out in the end, so I'm trying my best not to stress. It requires a lot of chocolate.

Anyways. My goals for October were:

1. Finish the academic paper I'm working on. I haven't quite finished, but I'm nearly there. I do think it should be done by the end of this week or early next week.

2. Organise the house and keep it tidy. Well, I had a lovely lady come in, and, with her help, I got rid of an insane amount of stuff. Some went to the bin (kids' previous years' school workbooks, mostly), and some went to charity (toys for preschoolers and babies). We had copious amounts of just junk lying around which astounded me. I feel so light now. It's wonderfully invigorating.

3. Start swimming. Well... I'm debating this still. I've now gone back to I want to spend this time reading and writing, and swimming is going to take up too much of my time. Also, my amazing bike is working well, and I'm cycling quite a bit now, and that's helping with the aerobics (it's hard to cycle uphill!) So, I'm putting a pin in it for now.

Overall, October has been a good month. It was my son's 9th birthday, so we had a few occasions for that. The kids were home for a week for the half-term break, and we went to sunny Nice (in France) for a quick nip in the sun (and pool). It was lovely. I also got to go to a Counting Crows concert, and it was probably the most emotional rock concert I've ever attended.

Now for November. I'm not doing #NaNoWriMo, although I would have liked to. I have to finish the academic paper first, and I want to edit my first novel into something that will be semi-presentable. I want to give it a real shot. I've read a few scenes from it recently, and it needs to be much better before I'm ready to share it. So my writing goals are pretty modest:

1. Finish the academic paper and send to co-authors.

2. Edit the first scene of Labour Pains (my first book) until it's ready to share with my incredible writers' group.

Other than that, I'm reading LOTS these days, which makes me happy. So my reading goals are to finish two books in addition to the one I'm reading for my reading group. I started reading Brené Brown's The Gifts of Imperfection. It's a tad preachy, but I'm giving it a chance because her TED talks were brilliant. I'm also reading Brandon Sanderson's Words of Radiance, which is an epic fantasy and is amazing, but I'm not likely to finish this month as it's about 1000 pages long. My kindle is working overtime :)

So that's my upcoming month. We'll see how it goes :)


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