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Fits and Starts

Writer's picture: galpodgalpod

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Photo Credit: Toa Heftiba on Unsplash. I couldn't find a good image for fits and starts so you have to imagine it.

The first thing anybody who knows anything about blogging advises beginner bloggers is that consistency is key. I get that. I like knowing what’s coming when. I like the sense of control that gives.

Here’s my issue, though. Every time I tried to blog on any sort of schedule (weekly, daily, monthly, yearly), it inevitably became not fun. I think I may be one of those people for whom the pressure of producing is counterproductive. It’s not that I can’t do it. I never missed a deadline in my life. It’s just that it becomes less creative for me, more of a chore.

Ironically, it has taken me two days to write this post. I got distracted by chats with writers from my writers’ group, emergency calls from my family (recipe for lasagne needed urgently), or my “don’t forget the kids” alarm, which ensures I’m not late for school pickup.

It’s a constant conflict for me between being productive and being creative. I get bogged down by “productivity”, and I get fewer and fewer opportunities to be creative. To have extended hours of deep work, as it were. And I realise I’m extremely privileged in the sense that I can do this instead of an actual job.

What is my point? That’s always a good question. Habits are good. We are what we do. But, as someone in my writers’ group said, if we did everything we should do first thing in the morning, we’d be at it the whole day. I don’t know that I have a takeaway. It’s another big no-no of the blogging world, by the way. You should always have a takeaway, nicely packaged in a quotable sentence—fast food for thought.

My point is, this blog may be inconsistent. Because I do this for fun, and so I’d like it to stay that way. Consider it an opportunity to deal with uncertainty.


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3 commentaires

Ehud Halberstam
Ehud Halberstam
15 oct. 2021

" You should always have a takeaway, nicely packaged in a quotable sentence" - Gal Podjarny I like it.

15 oct. 2021
En réponse à

Thanks for the laugh, I definitely needed that 😊


Caroline Studdert
Caroline Studdert
15 oct. 2021

I found the same when I had an idea of blogging, I ended up putting a huge effort into it but felt a blog should just be spontaneous. But I guess they can be spontaneous but you still want to craft them a bit. There was a blogger in the writers group sometime back, he did manage to sound spontaneous but I think they were actually heavily crafted.

I really relate to " if we did everything we should do first thing in the morning, we'd be at it the whole day' - worse still, I often am at it all day, but just on the first thing. Also love your 'fast food for thought' - that's a takeaway for…


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