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Important note
This prompt is not an easy one. Please take care of yourself. If this is something you feel you can’t handle just now, you absolutely don’t have to. If you feel overwhelmed and don’t know who to talk to, here are a few helpful numbers:
UK: 116 123 (Samaritans)
USA: 1-800-273-8255 (National Suicide Prevention)
Israel: 1201 (Eran)
International: find your number here.
I went to see an exhibition at the Tate Modern yesterday—the works of Maria Bartuszová. She made me think about fragility, strength, and the relationship between them. I invite you to explore this space today. What does fragility mean to you? How does it relate to strength? As always, if you’re unsure where to start, set a timer for five minutes and jot down everything that pops into your head, then pick the one you want to write about today.