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I've been listening to a lot of great podcasts lately, so I thought I'd give them all a shoutout. I usually listen to podcasts while on the way from/to places but sometimes I just listen to them at home because they're really interesting.
Podcasts that Make me Think
This American Life: The mother of all podcasts. The storytelling is so amazing, it's my first go-to. The last episode was about people who seek asylum in the US and get sent to Mexico to camps that are not called refugee camps because that sounds bad. It's not always happy stories.
Hidden Brain: A podcast about modern world dilemmas. The last episode was about a woman who all her life said she would never go on life support until she had ALS and couldn't breathe on her own and asked to be put on a ventilator. It's an extraordinarily interesting podcast, and the host asks difficult questions of his interviewees.
Rough Translations: A podcast where they talk about culture clashes, listening, and figuring out your place. It's not always about immigrants, sometimes they have episodes on French McDonalds and Korean AA programmes. The last episode was about a family whose son found that he fits best into a Japanese culture even though neither of his parents is Japanese.
Invisibilia: They talk about all kinds of forces that influence our behaviour that we're not necessarily aware of. Again, great storytelling and really interesting topics.
Scene on Radio: They're on a break now but they have two amazing seasons: Seeing White explores race with a focus on what it means to be white. The season "Men" explores patriarchy with a focus on being a man. It's a fresh take and highly recommended.
How to Fail: A British podcast in which Elizabeth Day interviews all kinds of successful people about what they feel they failed at. It's super interesting.
Other Stuff
Short Wave: Every day they have a 10-minute talk about some new invention or experiment or some scientific advance. Really fun to listen to and makes you feel like you're updated on science.
Guardian Books: A bit of a hit-and-miss, as sometimes they talk about really random stuff, but usually interesting. It's lower on my list because I just don't have time to listen to everything.
Writing Excuses: Not low on my list in general, just in this post. This is an excellent podcast about writing. It does focus on alternate reality writing (fantasy, sci-fi, etc.) but some really useful tips and interesting discussions.
Ima, Ima: A Hebrew podcast about parenting, just in case you speak Hebrew :)
That's what I've been listening to. If you've listened to one of those and think you have the perfect podcast for me, hit me up! :)
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