Biggest Accomplishment
My biggest accomplishment this year was finally finding a publisher. I’ve debated this a lot, and I’m pleased with my chosen route - assisted self-publishing. I’m excited for the book to be a real thing in the world.
Biggest Challenge
The biggest challenge for me this year has been the general despair that seems to engulf the world. I deal with it, some days more successfully, some days less. I’m proud of myself for still showing up.
Time Well Spent
I attended a networking workshop comprising about fifty film students and myself. I didn’t learn anything new, but I did realise that everyone wants to meet new people, but most of us are too anxious and insecure to take the first step. That means that if you start talking to people, they can meet new people without making the first step.
Breakthrough Moment
I realised this year that I’m not terrible with people. I’m just out of practice. I am perfectly capable of having a stimulating conversation with people, even people I don’t know. I’ve just been at home thinking I’m not a people person for years, and I was out of practice. Like every skill, when you practice it enough, it improves.
Favourite Memory
Guy and I took a cable car above the clouds, which was incredible. It wasn’t entirely hiking, but it was relatively close. I didn’t have a lot of chances to go hiking this year, something I intend to rectify as soon as possible.
I have pretty solid good habits. I work out three times a week (plus a yoga class). I meditate every day. I do my morning pages. I write and read. I’m very good at routine. The habit I’m building this year is a knowledge preservation system. I realised that I know too many things to keep in my head. So, I’m working on systems that would allow me to capture and work with the knowledge I have and what I still want to learn.
Out of my Comfort Zone
I went skiing for the first (well, second, but the first time doesn’t count) time this year. It was scary as hell. But I’m still here.
What have I learned?
On top of what I’ve learned over the last school year, I would add these things:
I actually like talking to people.
Knowing why you do anything is crucial.
Writing a novel takes more than just putting words on the page.
Morning pages work.
If you go out, you can get to wondrous places.
I need to write. Not because someone is making me. Because it makes me happy.
Theme for 2025
Flow. I love writing because I get “in the zone”. I do my 3-hour-long morning routine, and then I write, and I’m inevitably able to let the words flow onto the page without too much struggle. Not all days, of course, but most days. And I love that.
Setting Intentions
This year, I’d like to maintain the good habits I’ve been building. I also want to stay curious and to keep learning new things. I want to work on the new novel, and I'm also running a writers' workshop for my writers' group.